Requests made using FetchAllResultsForQuery no longer infinitely recurse. Editor test directories are now located in the project root directory. Altered most functions to support Async operations. Significant improvements to the DataStorage interfaces. Improved robustness of ModBrowser re-initialization. Request caching with protection against parallel requests. Implemented consent management flags to auth endpoints. There is a release planned in the near future to update the ModBrowser with better controller support.
Mod.io Unity Plugin v2.3 incorporates many of the improvements discovered as a result of assisting companies port to console over the past 12 months, as well as implementing the user consent elements added to the REST API recently.
First load of the plugin with no valid PluginSettings object will cause more errors than necessary. Extreme numbers of subscriptions (200+) will cause memory issues. Added a null-check in modfile view assignment. VerifySubscriptionInstallations is now correctly run on init. Mod Browser now saves subscriptions to cache on init. Variable paths now resolve on Mobile. Download completion handlers are now null-ref checked. DownloadAndUpdate now invokes the callback on invalid authentication error. Implemented CompressionModule references in SubmitModOperation.
ParseImageData now correctly processes images.
Altered event fetching to now be more efficientīugs Fixed:. NavigationManager now checks for the EventSystem and disables if unavailable. CompressionModule now abstracts the compression/extraction interface to allow for different compression library usage. CloudFlare errors are now handled correctly by WebRequestError. Implemented user data storage initialization as a generic for easier cross-platform user data management.